Psychedelic Public Health Summit


A Gathering of Global experience and Expertise involving Community, Indigenous, Practitioner, Academic, Public Sector, and Funders 

Amplify and accelerate community and population-level psychedelic benefits and protections 

Build a strong foundation addressing equity, safety, community, Indigenous knowledge and people, race, and gender to ensure ethical, effective research and action 

Create a supportive network to launch and sustain effective collaboration that connects research, communities, funding, and policy

A High Impact Approach

Equity-driven Equally centering Indigenous, community, academic, and practitioner expertise Inclusive In-person invitational for bridge-building; live-streaming for global participation Efficient Pre-summit groundwork to set a common foundation for informed decision-making Actionable Real-time decision-making to catalyze and guide development of the field Restorative for Indigenous communities and communities impacted by the War on Drugs 

Disseminated Summit findings will be published and accessibly distributed

Summit Deliverables

Key Parameters for a New Field 

  • What is psychedelic public health (PPH) 

  • What are PPH’s population and community-level approaches 

  • How does PPH address social determinants and root causes 

  • How can PPH responsibly engage with Indigenous people and knowledge

Principles of Practice  Establish core ethics, ethos, and commitments

Working Glossary Foster interdisciplinary collaboration through common language

Research and Action Agendas Consensus on streamlined priorities to guide and accelerate collaboration and funding initiatives

A Global Network Ensure ongoing progress by launching a global psychedelic public health network association with Summit participants as charter members

Who’s Joining

  • Stef Bertozzi: Faculty and Dean (former), UC Berkeley School of Public Health and Collaborative for the Economics of Psychedelics; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Health Program (former); UNAIDS, World Health Organization (former)

  • Natalie Brender, Policy Director, Canadian Public Health Association

  • Rielle Capler: Faculty, University of British Columbia, School of Population & Public Health; Board Co-Chair, MAPS, Canada; Co-Founder, Association of Canadian Cannabis Retailers

  • Shannon Dames: Faculty and Investigator, Roots to Thrive, Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Certificate, and Naut sa Mawt Centre for Psychedelic Research, Vancouver Island University

  • Charlotte Duerr James: Founder, Psychedelic Liberation Training; Guide

  • Brian Emerson: Deputy Provincial Health Officer, Ministry of Health, British Columbia (former), The Expert Advisory Group on Safer Supply; Consultant, Shaw

  • Mark Haden: Faculty, University of British Columbia, School of Population & Public Health, Executive Director, MAPS, Canada (former); Clinical Supervisor of Psychedelic Treatment, Qi Integrated Health; VP of Business Development, Clearmind Medicine

  • Pamela Kryskow: Medical Lead and Researcher, Roots to Thrive, Naut sa Mawt Center for Psychedelic Research, and Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Certificate, Vancouver Island University; Board Chair Psychedelic Association of Canada

  • Philippe Lucas: Director of Research and Access, MAPS; co-founder Victoria Association of Psychedelic Studies; Board, MAPS Canada; PI/Co-PI for Canadian and Global Psychedelic Survey

  • Veronica Magar: Office of the Director General, World Health Organization (former)

  • Geraldine Manson: Elder in Residence, Naut sa Mawt Center, Vancouver Island University; Roots to Thrive

  • Elliott Marseilles: UC Berkeley Collaborative for the Economics of Psychedelics, School of Public Health

  • Kristin Nash: Co-Founder, Coalition for Psychedelic Safety and Education

  • Taita Luis Alfonso Pazos Alegría: Traditional healer; Interdisciplinary Health Sciences Group, Medellín

  • Marlena Robbins: Indigenous Science Student Fellow, Center for the Science of Psychedelics, doctoral candidate, UCB School of Public Health

  • Pedro Teixeira: Faculty, University of Lisbon, Human Kinetics, Behavioral Psychedelics; Director National Physical Activity Promotion Program, Portuguese Ministry of Health (former); Founder; Research Director, Synthesis Institute (former)

  • Gerald Thomas: Director, Legal Substances & Problem Gambling Policy & Prevention, Ministry of Health, British Columbia

  • Ken Tupper: Faculty, University of British Columbia’s School of Population and Public Health, University of Victoria School of Child and Youth Care; Board, MAPS Canada and Wasiwaska Research Centre, Brazil

  • Stacey Wallin, CEO Psychedelic Safety Institute