Health Crisis

Chronic disease, trauma, addiction, depression, violence, war

Chronic Disease

We face a "global crisis of chronic diseases and failure of public health to stem the rise.." - The Lancet

The global chronic disease burden has been rising since 1990: heart disease by 50%, diabetes by 148%  

  • 6 in 10 Americans have at least one chronic disease - the leading cause of death

  • Roughly 30% of Americans are obese or overweight

Mental Health

We face a rising mental health crisis, "not much has changed in the past two decades..." -IHME 

Global depression is up 61% since 1990; mental health is now 16% of total disease burden. Major depressive disorder is #1 cause of disability

  • 1 in 5 US adults experience a mental health and/or substance abuse disorder each year; over 8% experience at least one major depressive episode in 2020

  • 103 million American adults will deal with a mental health condition in their life

  • Among youth,15% have had a major depressive episode 

  • Half of those w depression also have anxiety; 40 million deal w anxiety annually

  • Since 2011 unmet treatment needs (25%) have gone unchanged 

Substance misuse, addiction

Tobacco misuse is still the #1 cause of preventable death

In 10 years, there’s been a 71% global rise in opioid deaths (92% among women vs 63% among men); Overdoses have tripled to quadrupled since 1999

  • In the US, overdose increase is highest for Black (44%) and American Indian / Native American (39%) people compared to white (35%)

  • Over 20 million older than the age of 12 have a substance use disorder

  • Addiction prevalence reaches 40% for 18-year-olds; severe substance use disorder is at 12% for adolescents 

  • Over 40% of 18-year-olds have a substance use disorder

  • 12% of adolescents have a severe substance use disorder likely to continue to their adult lives

Osman Yuseinov

Osman Yuseinov

Domestic & community violence, abuse, war

50-60% of children globally experience violence per year and children living in war zones is up 75% from 1990-2016; By the age of 16, fully 2/3 of children will have experienced more than one trauma.

  • In the US, domestic violence affects at least 10 million people a year: 

  • Annually, 5% of the population experiences Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – especially women and people of color

  • By age 16, 2/3 of US youth have experienced trauma

  • In the US, Black men account for half of all murder victims

  • US firearm-related deaths increased 15% from 2019-20, over 45,000 deaths


Associated costs drain
social coffers

  • Chronic disease costs $3.5 trillion per year

  • Since 1990 the opioid epidemic has cost $740 billion

  • At least $80 billion is spent annually on corrections. For every dollar spent on corrections, at least $10 is spent on social costs, approaching $1 trillion per year