Climate Crises
The extent, magnitude, and imminence of cataclysmic climate impacts are larger than estimated
We require "rapid, deep and immediate greenhouse gas emission reductions" - International Panel on Climate Change
Climate impacts such as sea level rise, fires, storms, floods, and heat waves are occurring with increasing frequency and intensity. We have a few years left to radically reduce carbon emissions or else face ecological changes that will be cataclysmic in terms of impact on how and where human society exists.
The US alone has lost entire cities to fire, tens of millions have experienced the health and emotional effects of smoke, and cities and regions with millions of people have been devastated by storms and floods.
Solastalgia, i.e., the “lived experience of the physical desolation of home", is widespread, affecting potentially millions at a time, and yet is poorly understood and largely unattended, even as collective processing can increase resilience
Unabated, the future portends mass destruction and displacement at scales that increase scarcity of food, water, shelter, violence, war, and death.
Impacts will be borne inequitably.
Costs will likely mount beyond the current economic system's capacity.