Center for

Psychedelic Public Health

Exponential healing for existential times

 The Center for Psychedelic Public Health unites the population-level power of public health with the transformational power of psychedelics and allied healing practices* to reduce associated risks while optimizing health, wellness, and equity for communities, populations, and the planet

*Allied practices include collective-level traditional, contemplative, spiritual, expressive approaches

The Case for Psychedelic
Public Health

The status quo produces intractable crises in health, justice, and climate

These crises are collective in cause, scale, scope, and impact

Population-level responses are needed for widespread change, unprecedented collaboration on global challenges

Psychedelics can work at the collective level and be pro-health, pro-social, pro-environmental

Prevailing biomedical psychedelic practices do not match the scale of need or the scope of psychedelic use due to focus on individual and clinical care, service bottlenecks, low affordability, and cultural and trust barriers

Public Health adds needed population-level prevention, promotion, and community approaches that promote health and wellness and reduce harm for collective benefits in all contexts

Partnering public health and psychedelics, guided by equity, ethics, Indigenous knowledge, and community approaches, can amplify health and wellness, reduce risks, and support transformational solutions